Sunday, September 11, 2011

What is Green Chemistry?

Chemistry is a way to run life. We use it all the time, for many different things. Industries have been built off of the doings of chemists. However, there has to be a responsible way to do it, and that is where Green Chemistry comes in. Steps in chemistry need to be followed, but they need to be done in a way that doesn't negatively impact the world. Green Chemistry is the way that we as a society make sure only positive results come out of what we do, not negative. 

Green Chemistry is also about being preventive. Instead of stopping all together the things that we do that have had harmful effects on the planet, we found a way to change the processes, and make them environmentally friendly. Creating environmentally friendly chemicals and rules advances the world and prevents harmful toxins from entering the atmosphere.

By practicing Green Chemistry, we can succeed in the overall goal of it, and what it was made to do. Green Chemistry is the act of preventing and succeeding at the same time. Science can be destructive and productive, and Green Chemistry's goal is to delete the destructiveness from the equation! 

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